WEBINAR : 1st Joint meeting Airlangga Global Ophthalmology (JAGO)


Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to join 1st Joint meeting Airlangga Global Ophthalmology (JAGO):

Topic. : Phacoemulsification: From Routine To Challenging Cases
Date. : March 27th 2021
Time : 07.15 PM (GMT+7)

Speaker. :
- Steve A. Arshinoff, MD, FRCSC
- Ike Ahmed, MD, FRCSC
-dr. Dicky Hermawan, Sp.M(K)

Moderator : dr. Indri Wahyuni, Sp.M(K)

Host: dr. Nurdin Zuhri, Sp.M

You can register through this link bellow:

The webinar will be held online via ZOOM and YouTube.
You can also join the webinar live from YouTube through this link bellow:

All participants will get e-certificate. Please share this invitation to your colleagues, friends and students.
We're looking forward for your registration and participation on this webinar. Thank you.
