WEBINAR: Experts Sharing: Update on Convalescent Plasma Treatment


Professor/ Doctor/ Colleague

With all due respect,

We hereby inform you that

Roche Diagnostics Indonesia in collaboration with the  Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologists and Laboratory Medicine (IACPaLM) is conducting the Webinar on *Saturday, April 3, 2021 Time: 08: 30- 11:00 WIB*


*Experts Sharing: Update on Convalescent Plasma Treatment*


*Prof. Dr. dr. Aryati, MS, Sp.PK(K)*

President of the Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Laboratory Medicine 


*1. Optimal Selection for Convalescent Plasma: Eligibility for Donors and Recipients*

By: *Prof. dr. David Handojo Muljono, Sp.PD, FINASIM, FAASLD, PhD*

Deputy for Translational Research and Head of the Hepatitis Laboratory, Eijkman Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia

*2. Selection of Convalescent Plasma: Focus on Antibody Measurement*

By: *Dr. dr. Teguh Triyono, M.Kes, Sp.PK(K)*

Head of the Hospital for Blood Transfusion Services, Dr. Sardjito Hospital / FK KMK UGM

Vice President I of the Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Laboratory Medicine 

*3. Procurement of COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma at the Indonesian Red Cross*

By: *Dr. dr. Ria Syafitri Evi Gantini, M.Biomed*

Head of the Central Blood Donor Unit - Indonesian Red Cross (UDD Pusat PMI)



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