WEBINAR : Experts Talk: Refocus on Your Laboratory Quality Performance


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Roche Diagnostics Indonesia bekerja sama dengan IACC (Indonesia Association for Clinical Chemistry) menyelenggarakan webinar pada

*Sabtu, 20 Maret 2021- Pukul: 09:00- 12:00*

Dengan Topik:

*"Experts Talk: Refocus on Your Laboratory Quality Performance"*

Bersama moderator: *dr. Darwati Muhadi, Sp.PK (K)*

Serta pembicara: 

1. Best Practice Implementation of Daily Internal Quality Control in Laboratory

Oleh:  *Dr. dr. Yenny Surjawan, Sp.PK*

2. Sigma Metrics as a Tool for Evaluating The Performance Internal Quality Control in Laboratory

Oleh: *dr. Thyrza L. Darmadi, Sp.PK*

3. The Use of Peer Group Data to Evaluate Internal Quality Control Result

Oleh: *dr. Tjan Sian Hwa, M.Sc., Sp.PK*

Dengan informasi produk:

The Use of Roche TIQCon to Evaluate IQC Data Laboratory 



Terima kasih
