WEBINAR: Achieving Closure Complex Chain of Wound Healing

Dear Prof. / Doctor,

Please Join our Webinar 

*Achieving Closure Complex Chain of Wound Healing*

• Thursday, March 4th, 2021, 

• 15.00 – 17.00 PM WIB/GMT+7 

• ZOOM Application


1. *dr. Qori Haly, Sp.BP-RE*

Ethical Conduct During Daily Medical Practice


2. *Dr. dr. Hardisiswo Soedjana, Sp.BP-RE(K)*  

Proper Exudate Management as Factor Leading to Wound Closure

3. *dr. Parintosa Atmodiwirjo Sp.BP-RE(K)* 

The role of free tissue transfer in treating  challenging wounds

Moderator: *dr Arya Tjipta, Sp.BP-RE*

To Register Zoom Please Visit : 


Thank you Doctor/Prof🙏

Stay Safe & Healthy
