WEBINAR: Telehealth with IoT : From Screenings to Remote Monitoring for COVID-19 and patients with comorbidity

📢 GRATIS Webinar Khusus Dokter DigiHealth 101

Telehealth with IoT : From Screenings to Remote Monitoring for COVID-19 and patients with comorbidity

Rabu, 10 Februari 2020
10.00-12.00 WIB
Daftar di Zoom https://s.id/digihealth10feb21

Speaker 1 : dr. Johannes Purwoto, Sp.PD-KEMD, FINASIM
Needs of assessment and monitoring of patients with Diabetes and Endocrinology problems : Focus in the pandemic era

Speaker 2 : dr. Telly Kamelia, SpPD, KP, FINASIM
The Role of IoT (Internet of Things) from screenings to remote monitoring for COVID-19 and complications

Speaker 3 : dr. Kristoforus Hendra Djaya, Sp.PD, MBA
Future Role of Wearables Technology in Health Monitoring

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