WEBINAR - Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Dear Bapak/ Ibu Dokter yang terhormat :  


Merck collaborate with PB PERKENI will be held “Thyroid Webinar” with details as below :


Speaker  :

Prof. Dr. Johan S Masjhur, dr.,SpPD-KEMD.,SpKN

Topic : Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy and Postpartum


Moderator :

Dr. dr. Fatimah Eliana Taufik, SpPD-KEMD


Day and Date Thursday15th October 2020


Time : 14.00 – 15.00 WIB


Kindly Join us by click this link below::



Link can be copy into google chrome to get access into registration and webinar event.

Get 2 SKP IDI if you join this webinar event.


Look forward to see you all there.

Thank you.



Merck Thyroid Indonesia Team.
